Re: API Access to Column Formulas
Here's what I have that gave me the column properties. I'm going to try and go in and update the formula now and see what it does. I'm writing in Python fwiw.1 · -
Re: API Access to Column Formulas
Coby, have you pulled in the column information for a sheet yet through the API? There is a "formula": field that I think you could pull from and write to that's a property for the column.1 · -
Re: Countif with System Generated Date Column on Separate Sheet
I think you'd be looking at something like (assuming you're looking for January. If not just change the 1 to 1-12 corresponding to the months): =COUNTIFS({IT Completed Projects Archive Range 1}, IFER…1 · -
Re: How to check Finish date and %Complete to determine RYG symbol?
It's all about Nested Ifs. I may have misinterpreted your conditions, but this formula does the following: Grey if % complete is 100% Yellow if Today - Finish Date is within 3 days Red if Complete is…1 · -
Re: COUNTIF with NOT - Invalid Operation
I think it's having problems with you passing in the range again. I think this will get you there. =COUNTIFS({Assigned To}, Name@row, {Issue Type}, "Bug", {Status}, NOT(@cell = "Comple…1 ·